
Our researcher Helena Ristaniemi will present her work with other young researchers in the Spring seminar Sukupuolentutkimuksen kevätseminaari: viime vuosien satoa on 8.5.2024 at Oulu; University of Oulu (only in Finnish). Registration is open until 30.4.2024 Welcome to participate on site or Zoom!

Postdoctoral Researcher Lauri Julkunen's study Youth and changing rural regions in the Nordic countries: an overview of history and research priorities summarises previous research and historical knowledge on rural youth across four Nordic countries, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark from the early 20th century to the 2020s.

The Future of Nordic Youth in Rural Regions seeks to examine how rural young people envision the future of their regions; what kinds of dreams, hopes, worries, and possible future solutions they envision. For this purpose the project organizes 16 workshops in the four participating countries.The series of workshops was started this week in Finland!...

Postdoctoral Researcher Lauri Julkunen's study Youth and changing rural regions in the Nordic countries: an overview of history and research priorities summarises previous research and historical knowledge on rural youth across four Nordic countries, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark from the early 20th century to the 2020s.

The Call for Proposals has now closed. We can already see that this is going to be a great and diverse conference! We will process the abstracts as soon as possible and we will inform the applicants about the decisions shortly. Registration for the event is now open and all participants can sign up.